Summer Brunch with a Yogurt Parfait Bar

July 31, 2018

Yogurt Parfait Bar and Broiled Grapefruit Recipe on

How to host a chic brunch on

My final #JLBrunches (and goodbye party!) may just have been my favorite set up to date! I stepped out of my comfort zone with the styling, using different flowers than I normally wouldn't use. But still used my favorite color (yellow!), and topped the flowers on stacks of books. I love weaving in cheese cloth to add texture. I broiled a few grapefruit. And made a yogurt parfait bar! Read on for recipes and the how-to!

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Yogurt Parfait Bar and Broiled Grapefruit Recipe on

Yogurt Parfait Bar and Broiled Grapefruit Recipe on

Yogurt Parfait Bar and Broiled Grapefruit Recipe on

Yogurt Parfait Bar and Broiled Grapefruit Recipe on

Yogurt Parfait Bar and Broiled Grapefruit Recipe on

Yogurt Parfait Bar and Broiled Grapefruit Recipe on

Yogurt Parfait Bar and Fruit Board Tutorial;

- Yogurt, I LOVE Siggi's. I set out a bowl of Vanilla, and a bowl of "Touch of Honey". I also provided a vegan yogurt, Kite Hill, for my vegan friends!
- Something CRUNCHY! I love Purely Elizabeths Granola! I set out two flavors. I also put out walnuts and a little bowl of chia seeds.
- I am so inspired by Cezanne and Matisse and their still lives. So I wanted a LOT of fruit. I set out and sliced stone fruit, plums, nectarines, peaches, and apricots. Blueberries, strawberries, cherries, and bananas, Papaya, Pomegranates, and figs.
- I also set out whole, unsliced fruit for the display.
- I arranged all of the fruit and components on cheese board and plates.
- I set out bowls and plates so my guests could put together their own yogurt and fruit parfait!
- The best part about this is it can be vegetarian or vegan, and you can use whatever fruit is in season!

Yogurt Parfait Bar and Broiled Grapefruit Recipe on

Yogurt Parfait Bar and Broiled Grapefruit Recipe on

Caramelized Grapefruit Recipe;

- Grapefruit
- Raw sugar or honey
- Papertowels
- Baking Sheet
- Aluminum Foil.

How to Caramelize Grapefruit;
- Slice Grapefruit in half.
- Slice a sliver off of the bottom to flatten them.
- Place the grapefruit on paper towels to drain some of the juice.
- Sprinkle raw sugar over the tops, or spread on some raw honey.
- Set your oven to low broil.
- Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil.
- Place the grapefruit on the baking sheet.
- Place in the oven on the top rack.
- Bake until they are golden brown and bubbling.
- Check often, they burn easy!

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If you put together a fruit board and yogurt parfait bar, be sure to send me your photos and tag me on Instagram @juliettelaura

Be sure to follow along on Instagram to not miss another brunch!

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