How to wow everyone at your next holiday gathering? Make a delicious apple crisp topped with the prettiest apple rose. For my personal apple crisp recipe and for the tutorial for a stunning apple rose.. read on!

9 granny smith apples
2 tsp all natural vanilla
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 tbsp cornstarch
4 cups oats
2 cups butter softened (not melted)
2 cup whole wheat flour
1 & 1/3 cups brown sugar
2 tsp cinnamon
4 macintosh or fuji apples
Ingredient NOTES;
My recipe made two apple crisps- in rather shallow pie pans.
I highly recommend using a deeper dish and making one thicker crisp.
If you do make one only, chop the crisp ingredients in half and leave the filling the same.
And if you would rather make it in jars? Check my mini version HERE.
Wash, peel, and chop apples into small chunks.
Combine all filling ingredients in a bowl.
Let sit.
During this time maybe make the topping!
Scoop the apples into the pan(s).
Be sure to leave the liquid behind at the bottom of the bowl
(no one wants soupy crisp!)
Combine all ingredients in a bowl.
It is best to use your hands to mix.
Distribute topping equally.
Press the crisp so there is an indent in the center,
and a rise around the edges almost like a crust.
This well is for the apple rose to go in.
(Core the apples with an apple corer- optional)
With a sharp knife, slice the apples very thinly.
Put the apple slices in a microwave safe bowl.
Microwave for 20 seconds or until slightly softened.
In the well, arrange the apple slices into a rose shape.
To do so, start on the outside and work your way in.
Overlap the slices as you go.
When you get to the center it gets a bit more tricky
but try and bend the slices into half circles and place.
Press to keep in place.
Set oven to 375°
Cover with foil and bake for 20 minutes covered.
Remove foil and bake for 20 to 25 more minutes.
If you make these ahead of time,
refrigerate and microwave to bring to room temperature
then put in the oven at 375° for 5 minutes.
Serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream,
or a dollop of homemade whipped cream.
If you take any photos- post to Instagram and tag me @juliettelaura... I would love to see!
Photos by Andrew
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